There are seven major chakras, plus many minor ones. Each chakra corresponds to specific glands, organs, and facets of your being. Each also has a distinct color, like the colors of the rainbow. Chakra colors, while usually staying within their respective color families, do change, however. For example, if you're feeling mellow, your third chakra might be a soft, buttery yellow, while if you're feeling very ambitious and energetic, it might be a bright, strong yellow. Your chakras can also contain small amounts of other colors, depending on what's going on with you. Such things as health, emotional state, emotional attachments, and thought forms can influence this.
Number | Common English Name | Location | Color | Related To |
1 | Root Chakra | Base of spine | Red | Survival, safety, physical self |
2 | Sacral Chakra | Low abdomen, lower back, reproductive organs | Orange | Sexuality, creativity, pleasure |
3 | Solar Plexus Chakra | Solar Plexus (upper abdomen between navel and sternum) | Yellow | Personal power, will, self-esteem |
4 | Heart Chakra | Center of body at heart level | Green | Unconditional love, healing |
5 | Throat chakra | Base of throat | Light blue | Communication, truth, self-expression |
6 | Brow chakra, Third Eye | Forehead, between and slightly above eyebrows | Indigo | Intuitive sight (insight), physical sight; intellect |
7 | Crown Chakra | Top of head | White or violet | Spiritual life and experience, connection to the divine, sense of oneness, pure consciousness, transcendence |
Variations in chakra color can indicate a person's present state of health and spiritual wellness. When the color of a chakra is a clear, appealing variation of the basic color, it's probably fairly healthy. Discolorations, especially muddy or gray shades or markings, can indicate imbalance, blockage, or pollution (e.g. from thought forms, unprocessed emotions, illness, drugs, addiction, depression, etc.). Streaking or weakness of color can also indicate problems. However, flecks of other colors in a chakra whose color is otherwise rich, pure, and strong do not indicate a problem. If you sense that one of your chakras needs some support, you might spend some time sending it a clear tint of its appropriate color.
What if you can't see the colors of the chakras? Truly, don't worry!. For the most part, I don't "see" them. Everyone experiences subtle energy differently, and one way is not better than another.
Chart and sources by Nancy Hausauer, the Energy Healing Site
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Disclaimer: Energy healing is a natural method of energy rebalancing within the body and self. It is not meant as a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. This modality works well in conjunction with standard medical treatment from licensed medical professionals. We do not diagnose conditions, nor do we perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. Clients are solely responsible for seeking their own medical advice and care.
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